Archive for the 'Info' Category

Happy 25th Birthday, Compact Disc!

The Big Bang of the digital audio revolution occurred exactly 25 years ago, on the 17th of August, 1982. This was the day that a Philips factory in Langenhagen, Germany, pressed the very first commercial Compact Disc, and propelled the world forward into the digital age of music.
The idea of a Compact Disc was first [...]

Bank of America’s SiteKey System is Useless

Anyone who’s a Bank of America customer has probably gone through the process at one time or another. The site loads, you enter your username and state, and you hit “Sign In.” Waiting, waiting, waiting. Ok, next step: do you recognize this image? Huh, yeah, whatever; you enter your passcode and hit “Sign In” again. [...]

An Early Spring Forward


With the intent of possibly saving the nation a lot of money, Congress decided in 2005 that they would extend the period of daylight savings by three weeks in the spring and another week in the autumn. The change may seem quite trivial in nature and plenty of notice seems to have [...]

Net Neutrality Prevails

The formal reign of the 109th Congress has ended and with it the current threat to the neutrality of the Internet.
Net Neutrality has been a touchy topic on the web for the last few months, and now that the threat has died down, I believe that it’s important to recap how important this issue really [...]